A cool video recently showed how fast the International Space Station (ISS) zooms around in space. Even though we often see it in the sky, it’s hard to realize how fast it’s actually moving.
People who watched the video were really surprised. One person joked, “We should thank the brave astronauts for flying the ISS so low just to get this awesome video.” Another person said, “When you see it at night, it’s amazing how quickly it goes from one side of the sky to the other.”
The video also made some people think about big ideas. One person said, “It makes me realize how small we are compared to Earth. Mountains only show up for a split second in the video, but it would take a long time to go all the way around Earth.” Another person joked, “Next thing you know, they’ll say the Sun is actually a happy baby’s face and the Teletubbies are in charge.”
Some people shared tips for spotting the ISS. One person said, “You can see it sometimes at night. Just look up ‘ISS flybys‘ near your location. It’s pretty cool.”

One person even shared a story about seeing the ISS and other stuff in the sky. They said, “One time, I saw the ISS and a satellite just two minutes apart. Then, a month later, I saw the ISS again with a satellite, plus some shooting stars! It was awesome.”
And someone else said the video would be perfect for bedtime. They said, “I’d watch a longer version with some relaxing music. It would be so calming to watch the ISS go around the Earth.”